Nature – Actions

We acknowledge that there are actions under other themes that are linked to nature, and the actions below are linked to many other themes. This list was compiled through an eight-month engagement process, without filtering anything out. They are classified into categories, identified as being a legally mandated action or not, and prioritized as “easy to implement” and having a high impact (on the goal for the theme) if implemented. There is space provided to list the leading actions that have been identified, the time lines of when the actions can be achieved and updates on their progress. 


LG Local government, municipal government
GNB Provincial government
GOC Government of Canada
DFO Fisheries and Oceans Canada
GSSC Greater Shediac Sewerage Commission
CWS Canadian Wildlife Service
SERSC South East Regional Service Commission
SLR Sea level rise zone
RCBE Rural Community of Beaubassin-est

ActionsCategoryGovernment mandateEasy to implementHigh overall impactActively engagedTimelineProgress
Construct bird houses.ActionSBWA
Vision H2O
Develop a long-term strategy for the Common Terns in Shediac Bay which may include a permanent nesting site.ActionGOC - CWSSBWA
Develop a nature park on Shediac Island.ActionConservation de la natureon-goingon-going
Identify & establish green corridors in and between the communities.  RegulationLG, SERSCSERSCon-goingon-going
Implement a program to plant native trees for biodiversity.ActionLG, ABVBSShediac
Provide proper roads for ATVs that are constructed with protection of wetlands & watercourses in mind.ActionSBWA
Rehabilitate wetlands that have been negatively impacted.ActionUniversité de Moncton
Remediate gravel pits, formerly mined bogs; rehabilitate, create habitat such as wetlands.Action
Identify barriers in streams and remediate if beneficial to the ecosystem.Action
Replant buffer zones along wetlands and streamsActionVision H2O
Wetland maps need to be more visible and available.CommunicationGNB
Implement bylaws and zoning that encourage land developers to maintain as many trees as possible.RegulationSERSC, LGSERSCon-goingon-going
Increase protected spaces along coastlines and use zoning plan.RegulationSERSC,LGSERSCon-goingon-going
Educate on the impacts of breakwaters and natural infrastructure solutions (living shorelines).ActionSBWA, Vision H2ONANAon-goingon-going
Carry out species inventories of coastal areas (what is there?).Research
Conduct an inventory of sites that are sensitive to erosion.Research
Restore oyster reefs. ActionSBWASBWA
Implement Ducks Unlimited Wetlands Centre of Excellence with high school in Shediac.ActionSBWASBWA