Wondering what you can do?

There are practical things we can all do to adapt to a changing climate.

Climate Change Adaptation

We are aware of the impacts of sea level rise.

By 2025, scientists estimate sea levels in NB will have risen 14 cm since 2000.

We have rain gardens, swales, etc., to retain water on our property and control flooding.

This will keep water where it falls, reducing the amount of run off from your property.

We have reduced impermeable surfaces by removing asphalt.

This allows water to be absorbed by the soil and reduces runoff.

We capture all water runoff from our property.

This reduces the amount of water municipal infrastructures needs to deal with.

We have backflow valves installed to eliminate sewage backup.

Sewage backup can cause serious damage to your home. In flood events, backflow valves can prevent this from happening.

We have a 72-hour emergency kit.

With a predicted increase in extreme weather events, an emergency kit is an important way to be prepared.