Climate Change – Actions

We acknowledge that there are actions under other themes that are linked climate change, energy efficiency and renewable energy, and the actions below are linked to many other themes. This list was compiled through an eight-month engagement process, without filtering anything out. They are classified into categories, identified as being a legally mandated action or not, and prioritized as “easy to implement” and having a high impact (on the goal for the theme) if implemented. There is space provided to list the leading actions that have been identified, the time lines of when the actions can be achieved and updates on their progress. 


LG Local government, municipal government
GNB Provincial government
GOC Government of Canada
DFO Fisheries and Oceans Canada
GSSC Greater Shediac Sewerage Commission
CWS Canadian Wildlife Service
SERSC South East Regional Service Commission
SLR Sea level rise zone
RCBE Rural Community of Beaubassin-est

ActionsCategoryGovernment mandateEasy to implementHigh overall impactActively engagedTimelineProgress
Build houses on pillars as adaptation to sea level rise.ActionSERSC
Clean water courses of barriers and debris to reduce a risk of flooding.ActionSBWASBWAon-goingon-going
Implement a residential program (with incentives) to reduce flooding (rain gardens, swales, etc.) and to control flooding and erosion.ActionGNB, LG, SBWASBWA2020on-going
Implement a wetland demonstration project to reduce run-off and flooding.Action
Provide rain barrels to the public, provide incentives to use them (bulk purchase?).Action
Replant buffer zones along wetlands and streams.ActionVision H2O
Restore dunes, install sand fences on dunes, plant X-mas trees, etc. to control erosion.ActionVision H2O
Display flood scenarios publicly.CommunicationGNB,SERSC, LGSERSCon-goingon-going
Assess all development proposals against sea level rise scenarios.EvaluationSERSCSERSCon-goingon-going
Assess sewage and stormwater infrastructure to vulnerability from sea level rise and storm surges.EvaluationGSSCGSSCon-goingon-going
Provide incentives for homeowners to reduce sewage backup (backflow valve program).FundingLG
Adapt new developments so they are resilient to climate change impacts.RegulationLG, SERSCSERSCimplementedimplemented
Adopt zoning regulations that reduce impact of climate change on infrastructure and people.RegulationLG, SERSCSERSCimplementedimplemented
Implement development guidelines that prohibit building in the sea level rise zoneRegulationSERSC, LGSERSCon-goingregulated
Develop a regional climate change adaptation plan.StrategyShediac, Cap-Acadie, CRBeCompletedAlready in place
Develop an emergency plan.StrategyLGShediac, Cap-Acadie, CRBEalready in place
Recognize and strategically work towards and plan for retreating from the coastStrategyGNB, LG
Implement a program to reduce impermeable surfaces: Introduce regulation that reduces the percentage of impermeable surfaces permitted and requires developers to commit to zero runoff.RegulationLG
Require developers (residential, commercial) to have zero additional runoff from developed land (no increase in peak flow).RegulationLG